External Dataset Uses

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Identifying patterns in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis progression from sparse longitudinal data

Authors: Ramamoorthy D, Severson K, Ghosh S, Sachs K, Glass JD, Fournier CN, Herrington TM, Berry JD, Ng K FE.  
Published: September 2022 
In: Nature Computational Science [2(9):605-616]

Poster/Abstract Presentations at Professional Conferences

Effect of Acetyl L- Carnitine on the MITOS Staging Presentation

Presented by Matteo Locatelli, Alex Berger, Alex Sherman, Maurizio Grassano at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Northeast ALS Consortium

Full abstract published in Muscle & Nerve [68:S1(S57) | Abstract #121]